High Holidays

Please fill out the form below to obtain your tickets.

Please note that due to our updated security protocols everyone MUST show their HH tickets this year in order to enter the building.


High Holiday 5785 Schedule (Oct 2024)

Services led by Rabbi Micah Streiffer, accompanied by Shirat Am Shalom Choir

Erev Rosh Hashanah  Wednesday October 2, 2024 ..…8:00 PM

Rosh Hashanah Thursday October 3, 2024

Morning Service…………………10:00 AM- 1:00PM followed by community kiddush

Kol Nidre Friday October 11, 2024   ……8:00 PM

Yom Kippur Saturday October 12, 2024

Morning Service ………………………………10:00 AM to approx. 2:00PM

Afternoon service/Yiskor/Neilah ………………4:00 PM

  Breaking the fast (light refreshment) …Sunset, approx. 6:30 PM

Please note: There is no High Holiday youth program or childcare.  Parents are welcome accompany their children downstairs for a break whenever needed.

(Sukkot will be celebrated on October 19, Simchat Torah/ Shmini Atzeret will be celebrated on October 26)