Please join us on Saturday January 25th for Shabbat services from 10:30am to 12:30pm led by Rabbi Tepper followed by a community kiddush and Special Holocaust Remembrance day speaker at 1pm : Canadian journalist and author of ” No Jews Live Here”, John Lorinc
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Am Shalom Welcomes Rabbi Emma Gottlieb
Am Shalom Congregation Welcomes Rabbi Emma Gottlieb
It is with great joy and excitement that we announce the hiring of Rabbi Emma Gottlieb as the Rabbi and Spiritual Leader of Am Shalom Congregation, Barrie Ontario. Rabbi Gottlieb will join us on May 1, 2025.
Rabbi Gottlieb was educated at Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion, in New York, and received Smicha (Rabbinic Ordination) in 2010. Rabbi Gottlieb “understands music to be a powerful vehicle for bringing people and God together in sacred time and space.” In addition to her rabbinical scholarship, she studied at the HUC-JIR School of Sacred Music and served as a cantorial soloist/intern at numerous esteemed congregations in Canada and the United States. Rabbi Gottlieb completed a MA in Hebrew Literature and completed undergraduate studies at Queen’s University with a dual concentration in Religious Studies and Vocal Music. Rabbi Gottlieb joins the Am Shalom Congregation from Cape Town South Africa, where she has served on the Rabbinic Team at Temple Israel CTPJC since 2018.
Rabbi Gottlieb is an educated, experienced, skilled, caring, and empathic individual. She will bring to our shul enthusiastic spiritual leadership, engagement with our members through study and torah, and will have a direct impact on our congregational youth through her role as leader of youth programs and services. Rabbi Gottlieb has extensive experience as a youth educator and leader in the Jewish reform camp movement and will undoubtedly shape the future of our youth programming and engagement. We are very excited about the expanded role we have planned with Rabbi Gottlieb, and how this engagement will enhance how we serve community, our commitment for meaning (emet), for self-betterment (shleimut), and for the betterment of the world in which we live (Tikkun Olam).
Yasher Koach to our Rabbi Search Committee, who were truly instrumental and steadfast throughout the search process. Thank you to Committee Chair, Michaele-Sue Goldblatt for your guidance and to the committee members Dr. Marc Brenner, Dr. Howard Bloom and Jeff Wellman for the year-long commitment and dedication to match Rabbi Emma Gottlieb to our Am Shalom community.
We also wish to thank Rabbi Micah Streiffer, Rabbi Bill Tepper and Cantor Ben Silverberg for their continued support as interim clergy. Your commitment to our congregation is remarkable and appreciated.
Rabbi Gottlieb’s first official Shabbat Service will be May 3, 2025.
Welcome to Am Shalom Rabbi Gottlieb!
To provide a personalized welcome to the next Rabbi, please email
To commemorate this joyous occasion, we invite you to consider a donation to the Am Shalom Rabbinic Discretionary Fund by contacting the Am Shalom office at (705)792-3949 or visiting us online at This fund is an important part of our Tikkun Olum.
Youth Program Coordinator job posting
Am Shalom Congregation is looking for a Youth Program Coordinator
Terms: 10 hours monthly Reports To: Rabbi and/or designate
- Network with congressional youth 12-17 (possibly younger), adults and families with young children (members and unaffiliated) to assess Jewish program needs and interests.
- Plan youth activities, family Shabbat dinners, holiday celebrations and other programs during the school year.
- Develop social, religious, and educational programming for youth 1-2 programs per every month or two.
- Encourage and facilitate youth and families to participate in other Temple programs as appropriate.
- Develop and implement a communications strategy to advertise these programs.
- Report to the board semi-annually about activities, programs, number of participants, etc.
- Basic Judaic knowledge and familiarity with the Jewish community and synagogue life.
- Familiarity with Reform Jewish practice and perspectives.
- Strong programming and organizational skills
- Ability to work as part of a vibrant, hard-working staff team.
Compensation: $20 per hour
Application: Please send Resume to