A Message From URJ



We made History on Wed November 2nd



Photo Credit: Rabbi Nir Barkin

For the first time, men and women prayed together and read Torah in the main plaza of the Western Wall in Jerusalem. Forcing ourselves past those who, literally, tried to rip the Torah scrolls from our arms, we brought 14 Torah scrolls to the Kotel, which Women of the Wall proudly used for their prayer in the women’s section. We then brought the scrolls to an egalitarian service.

Our actions were an undeniable step forward in realizing our commitment to creating a place for all Jews at Israel’s holiest site. To continue the momentum, please help us demand equality at the Kotel.

 The Israeli government is watching. Your email counts.

Go to: https://www.urj.org/join-campaign?utm_source=KotelEmailCampaignMessage&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Israel

Rabbi Rick Jacobs

President URJ