New Membership Form

Please fill in the following form as best you can. If you have any questions please call our office.

Also note: The most important thing to our community is that everyone has an opportunity to become part of it, regardless of financial considerations. Our Treasurer is ready to work with you confidentially to find a way for you to join! Please email him directly with a request for Dues Relief and he will work with you to arrange a plan that works for you.

New Membership Form

New Membership Form

  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • Please enter your name and preferred prefix/title
  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • Please enter your name and preferred prefix/title
  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • NameBirthdayHebrew Name (transliteration) 
  • NameRelationshipTel 
  • Please enter a number greater than or equal to 0.
  • This information is required in order to send reminder letters to you.
    English NameHebrew Name (transliteration)Relationship (eg. John's Mother)English Date of Death (dd/mm/yyyy)Hebrew Date of Death (dd/mm/yyyy) 
  • Am Shalom has many different committees or volunteer opportunities. Please indicate where you would like to volunteer or help out in any way:
  • Membership - For this year only we are offering New Members a discounted price from the usual $800 single/$1500 family price. Please choose either Single or Family membership (Single parents are single) Am Shalom makes a practice of working with members and of doing everything we can to ensure new members aren’t turned away from becoming a part of our community for financial reasons. If you require dues relief please indicate so here and our treasurer will contact you. Please note: our year is from May 1 through April 30.
  • Thanks to some very generous donors, we are able to offer our Jewish Heritage School for free on the condition your child attends at least 70% of the classes (19/27). The $400 deposit will be refunded at the end of the school year. (You may choose to donate it to Am Shalom or put it towards next year's dues at that time.)
    Price: $ 400.00 CAD
  • Building Fund is a lifetime contribution of $1000 per single (includes single parent) or $1800 per family. Please enter what amount you would like to contribute this year. (Most members do $300-$600 a year). When your contribution is complete you will receive a leaf on our Tree of Life in the synagogue lobby.
  • This is a share support system for membership contributions. It is based on the concept that all shall give according to the blessing which has been given us. Note: we do not ask for any tax information from you, this is on a self-assessment basis. Please add the amount indicated in the chart below to make total dues about 2% of income.
  • Total amount pledged. Payment will be arranged with the office.
    $ 0.00 CAD
  • Please indicate whether you wish to pay in one lump sum or by 12 equal monthly payments. (Taken on the 15th of each month)
  • Please indicate how you wish to pay. If you wish to pay by Credit Card please enter your credit card information (Name on card, Number and Expiry Date) here and then hit Submit. You may also send in one or 12 post-dated cheques, dated for the 15th of each month, if you prefer. Thank you.